《X timetable 用户协议》




欢迎使用X timetable应用(以下简称“本应用”),本协议由本应用的开发者FantaSea(以下简称“我方”)与您(以下简称“用户”)签订。本应用旨在为您提供便捷的校园学习生活辅助服务,在您使用本应用之前,请您仔细阅读本用户协议的全部内容。一旦您使用本应用,即表示您已充分理解并同意本协议的各项条款,本协议将对双方产生法律约束力。


  1. 本应用通过您提供的学校账号密码,为您获取精准的课表、详细的考试计划以及课程作业截止时间等关键学习资料信息,并以直观、便捷的方式呈现于应用界面,助力您高效规划学习日程。
  2. 同时,为丰富您的校园生活体验,我们还贴心提供校内实时天气预报,让您提前知晓天气变化,合理安排出行;以及精准的路线指引功能,无论是前往教学楼上课、奔赴图书馆自习,还是穿梭校园参加各类活动,都能为您快速规划最佳路线,节省时间精力。


  1. 账号密码提供:
    • 您理解并同意,为启用本应用的核心功能,您需如实向我方提供您所在学校的有效账号密码。您应确保所提供信息的准确性与合法性,若因您提供错误或非法获取的账号密码导致任何法律纠纷、学校纪律处分或服务无法正常获取等后果,由您自行承担全部责任。
  2. 授权许可:
    • 您授予我方在本协议约定范围内,使用您所提供账号密码访问学校相关系统以获取学习资料信息的权限。此授权为非排他性、不可转让且仅限于实现本应用功能之目的,我方承诺不会超出授权范围使用您的账号密码从事任何其他活动。
  3. 设备要求:
    • 您应确保使用本应用的设备符合应用运行的基础技术要求,如操作系统版本适配、具备稳定网络连接(在需要联网获取部分信息时)、设备存储空间充足等。若因您设备自身问题导致应用运行异常、数据丢失或无法正常获取服务等情况,我方将尽力协助解决,但不承担由此引发的直接或间接损失责任。


  1. 我方保留根据业务发展、法律法规调整、技术迭代或其他合理因素,适时修订本用户协议的权利。
  2. 若协议发生重大变更,我方将提前至少7个工作日通过应用内显著通知、弹窗提示、邮件推送(若您已注册并同意接收邮件)等方式向您告知变更内容,确保您有充分时间了解并考虑。您在变更通知期满后继续使用本应用,即视为您同意接受修订后的协议;若您不同意变更内容,您有权停止使用本应用,但请您在停止使用前自行备份相关重要数据。


  1. 学校系统依赖:
    • 本应用的正常运行高度依赖学校相关系统的稳定性与开放性。若因学校系统进行维护、升级、遭遇故障,或是学校调整系统接口、访问权限等不可控因素,导致我方无法按时、准确获取您的课表、考试计划等学习资料信息,我方将第一时间知悉您,并尽力与学校沟通协调解决问题,但对于由此给您造成的直接或间接学习延误、计划打乱等损失,我方不承担赔偿责任。
  2. 不可抗力:
    • 在遭遇不可抗力事件,诸如自然灾害(地震、洪水、台风等)、战争、政府行为(政策法规突然变更、行政强制命令等),致使本应用无法正常运行,包括但不限于信息丢失、服务中断、数据错误等情况,我方不承担任何责任,但我方将在不可抗力事件结束后,尽快恢复应用服务,并采取必要补救措施减少您的损失。


  1. 本应用(包括但不限于应用程序代码、界面设计、图标、所使用的商标、标识等)所涉及的一切知识产权均归我方所有,未经我方书面许可,您不得对本应用进行复制、修改、分发、反向工程、反编译或试图获取源代码等侵犯我方知识产权的行为。
  2. 您在使用本应用过程中所产生的与个人学习相关的数据,归您个人所有,我方绝不涉及泄露您个人身份信息。


  1. 本用户协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖,如双方在本协议履行过程中发生争议,应首先秉持友好协商原则,尝试通过沟通、谈判等方式解决分歧。
  2. 若协商不成,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼,诉讼费用(包括但不限于案件受理费、律师费、鉴定费等合理费用)由败诉方承担,或根据法院最终判决结果分担。


User Agreement for X timetable

Last Modified: January 11, 2025

Effective Date: January 12, 2025

1. Introduction

Welcome to the X timetable application (hereinafter referred to as "the App"). This agreement is made between the developer FantaSea (hereinafter referred to as "we/us") and you (hereinafter referred to as "the User"). The App is designed to provide you with convenient campus learning and life assistance services. Before using the App, please carefully read all the contents of this User Agreement. By using the App, you fully understand and agree to all the terms of this agreement, which will be legally binding to both parties.

2. Services

  1. The App uses the school account and password you provide to accurately obtain your timetable, detailed exam schedules, and course assignment deadlines from the school's course management system. This information is strictly used to retrieve data provided by the school and is transmitted securely through encryption, helping you efficiently plan your study schedule.
  2. Additionally, to enrich your campus life experience, we thoughtfully provide real-time weather forecasts within the campus, allowing you to anticipate weather changes and plan your outings accordingly. The App also offers precise route guidance features, enabling you to quickly plan the best routes whether you are heading to classrooms, the library for self-study, or moving around the campus for various activities, saving you time and effort.

3. Usage Rules

  1. Provision of Account Credentials:
    • You understand and agree that to enable the core functions of the App, you must truthfully provide your valid school account and password. You should ensure the accuracy and legality of the information provided. If any legal disputes, school disciplinary actions, or service access issues arise due to incorrect or illegally obtained account credentials provided by you, you will bear full responsibility.
  2. Authorization:
    • You grant us the permission to use the account credentials you provide within the scope of this agreement to access the school's related systems to obtain learning materials information. This authorization is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and solely for the purpose of achieving the App's functionalities. We pledge not to use your account credentials for any activities beyond the authorized scope.
  3. Device Requirements:
    • You should ensure that the device used to access the App meets the basic technical requirements for running the App, such as compatible operating system versions, stable internet connection (for accessing certain information online), and sufficient device storage space. If application abnormalities, data loss, or service access issues occur due to your device's own problems, we will strive to assist in resolving them but do not bear responsibility for any direct or indirect losses resulting from such issues.

4. Changes to the Agreement

  1. We reserve the right to revise this User Agreement in a timely manner based on business development, adjustments to laws and regulations, technological advancements, or other reasonable factors.
  2. If there are significant changes to the agreement, we will notify you at least [7] working days in advance through prominent notices within the App, pop-up prompts, email notifications (if you have registered and agreed to receive emails), etc., to inform you of the changes and ensure you have sufficient time to understand and consider them. If you continue to use the App after the notice period expires, it will be deemed that you agree to the revised agreement. If you do not agree with the changes, you have the right to stop using the App, but please back up any important data before stopping use.

5. Disclaimer

  1. Dependency on School Systems:
    • The normal operation of the App highly depends on the stability and openness of the school's related systems. If the App is unable to timely and accurately obtain your timetable, exam schedules, and other learning materials due to maintenance, upgrades, system failures, or adjustments to system interfaces and access permissions by the school, we will be informed immediately and strive to communicate and coordinate with the school to resolve the issue. However, we do not bear any liability for direct or indirect losses caused by such issues, including delays in learning and disrupted plans.
  2. Force Majeure:
    • In the event of force majeure, such as natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, typhoons, etc.), wars, government actions (sudden changes in policies and regulations, administrative orders, etc.), causing the App to be unable to operate normally, including but not limited to data loss, service interruption, and data errors, we do not bear any responsibility. However, we will promptly restore the App's services after the force majeure event ends and take necessary remedial measures to minimize your losses.

6. Intellectual Property

  1. All intellectual property rights related to the App (including but not limited to application code, interface design, icons, trademarks, logos, etc.) are owned by us. Without our written permission, you are not allowed to copy, modify, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile, or attempt to obtain the source code of the App or engage in any activities that infringe our intellectual property rights.
  2. Any personal learning-related data generated during your use of the App belongs to you personally. We do not involve in the disclosure of your personal identity information.

7. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

  1. This User Agreement is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any disputes arise during the performance of this agreement, both parties should first adhere to the principle of friendly negotiation and attempt to resolve differences through communication and negotiation.
  2. If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with a competent People's Court. The litigation costs (including but not limited to case acceptance fees, attorney fees, appraisal fees, and other reasonable expenses) shall be borne by the losing party, or shared according to the final judgment result of the court.

By using the App, you have fully read, understood, and agreed to all the contents of this User Agreement. If you do not agree with this agreement, please do not use the App.